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  • Rundu teachers threaten boycott over 'worm-infested' toilets
ENOUGH: Teachers say they have had enough of the unhygienic, worm-infested toilets and plan to stay home today if the matter is not addressed urgently. Photo: Nikanor Nangolo
ENOUGH: Teachers say they have had enough of the unhygienic, worm-infested toilets and plan to stay home today if the matter is not addressed urgently. Photo: Nikanor Nangolo

Rundu teachers threaten boycott over 'worm-infested' toilets

Nikanor Nangolo
A sanitation crisis at two schools in Rundu has escalated into a full-blown boycott, with teachers refusing to return to classrooms until the education ministry addresses the "worm-infested" ablution facilities.

For months, teachers at Jafet Haiyambo and Sophia Mundjembwe primary schools have voiced concerns about the deteriorating conditions, but their calls for intervention have gone unanswered. Now, they say enough is enough.

"This is not just about water; the real problem is the toilets," a teacher at Sophia Mundjembwe told Namibian Sun yesterday, on condition of anonymity.

"They need proper and standardised renovations. We told the principal that we would only return to work once this situation is resolved. We have agreed that no one should report to work on Friday."

Meanwhile, at Jafet Haiyambo, teachers claim they are being threatened with unpaid leave if they join the protest. "It seems like they are just scared, but we all use the same toilets. What is the point of keeping teachers at school when the learners are gone?" another teacher asked.

The Namibia National Teachers' Union (Nantu) school chairperson Domingu Fersianu yesterday issued a letter in which he advised teachers at the two schools to temporarily vacate the schools due to public health and safety concerns.

"The health and safety of our staff and students remain our highest priority. We will maintain the closure until further official guidance is received. I ask all teachers to remain at home until the issue is resolved," the letter reads.

Unkept promises

Teachers say the crisis has disrupted learning.

"The regional education office always promises to fix the issue, instructing the ministry of works to intervene, but they only make minor fixes. Within three or four days, the problem returns," another teacher said this week.

"If we plan five lessons a day, we end up delivering only one because learners are sent home by 10:00 in the morning. This has been happening since last year. Learners are missing essential content from the syllabus and curriculum."

Teachers say they have stopped using the toilets because they are in a terrible condition, but learners have no choice.

"Just yesterday, students were forced to relieve themselves outside because the water in the toilet bowls is overflowing with worms, and the smell is unbearable," a teacher told Namibian Sun yesterday.

Old systems falling apart

Teachers also highlight the outdated infrastructure as a significant issue.

"Some toilets do not flush at all, which means the sewer system is faulty. These facilities were built in the 1990s when the school first opened. Three generations have passed, but today’s learners are still using the same toilets," a teacher noted.

"The ministry has separated the two schools on paper, but in reality, we still share the same premises. More than 3 000 learners and 85 teachers are using the same limited, outdated facilities. This situation is unsustainable."

Two schools, one facility

Last week, Namibian Sun reported on the ongoing struggle at the recently divided Keehemu Primary School, now operating as two schools. Despite the official split, the schools continue to share the same inadequate ablution facilities.

A teacher described the situation as "untenable".

"Since last September, conditions have worsened. There are worms in the toilets, the water supply is inconsistent, and repeated attempts to get the regional office's attention have led nowhere. We were simply redirected to the ministry of works and transport," the teacher said.

The teacher said around 40 male teachers share one toilet, while 40 female teachers share another, each with only two functioning toilets.

Another teacher claimed that despite repeated complaints, the school leadership remains indifferent. "There are worms in the toilets, yet nothing is being done. It seems the authorities will only act once a learner falls seriously ill," he said.

Emilie Sitentu, who stood in as acting regional education director last week, acknowledged the crisis, saying inspectors were sent to assess the situation.

"We received a report last Tuesday and deployed inspectors to the school. We are waiting for their findings. I understand that the town council is also conducting an assessment to determine whether low water pressure is contributing to the issue," Sitentu said last week.

Education regional director Christine Shilima could not be reached for comment at the time of publication.

- [email protected]


Namibian Sun 2025-02-18

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